Smart bidding: Friend or foe?
Learn from the Digital4Startups marketing experts about the pros & cons of smart bidding in Google marketing campaigns.
Learn from the Digital4Startups marketing experts about the pros & cons of smart bidding in Google marketing campaigns.
Google made an update to their keyword match types. The Digital4Startups team put together information related to the recent changes
What are exact match keywords? According to Google Support, exact match is a keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that have the same meaning or same intent as your keyword. Exact match offers the most control over who sees your ad, but it reaches fewer searches compared to phrase …
So why should you avoid using keywords with multiple meanings? English is a complex language. There are a plethora of words that have multiple meanings. In order to have sustainable, efficient campaign, an advertiser should avoid using keywords with multiple meanings. i.e. you should avoid using a word like “crane”, as it can be both …
Lesson #27: Beware Of Keywords With Multiple Meanings Read More »
When bidding on generic keywords, the most important thing is not to get too carried away. What do I mean by this? Advertisers who make mistakes bidding on generic keywords tend to fall prey to one of three possibilities: 1) Bidding Too Much on a Generic Keyword: Just don’t do it. Make sure you are …
So, why should you remove duplicate keywords from Google search campaigns? The short answer: you should remove duplicate keywords from your Google search campaigns because they would essentially be competing against each other. This could potentially lower your overall ad performance. When it comes to search, a keyword should only ever show up once in …
Lesson #22: Remove All Duplicate Keywords From Search Campaigns! Read More »
Yesterday, we discussed bid rules. But while bid rules can carry out a logic indefinitely, they do not regulate themselves. As a result, it is important to keep an eye on bid rules, and actively manage them. They are not “set it and forget it.” For example, many an advertiser has accidentally competed against themselves …
Lesson #21: Bid Rules Are Not Set It And Forget It Read More »
So why are long tail keywords so important? As we continue this week’s foray into keywords, it is important not to forget about long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are keywords, generally 3-5 words long, that a user would encounter when looking for a more specific query. While “shoes,” or even “red shoes,” are not …
Earlier this week, we discussed the four different types of keywords: brand, non-brand/generic, competitive and long-tail. Since long-tail keywords can fall under any of the other three categories though, for today’s discussion, we will only refer to the three main keyword types: brand, non-brand/generic and competitive. When it comes to these types of keywords, never …
Lesson #19: Never Put More Than One Keyword Type In the Same Ad Group or Campaign Read More »
Not only are there a variety of keyword match types, but there are also different types or categories of keywords that are commonly used to help classify the different keywords within an account. Understanding the four different types of keywords will make it much easier to understand and plan the strategy for an account. The different types …
Background: The Four Different Types of Keywords Read More »