Digital4Startups Is Officially A Titan of Business!
This month, Digital4Startups won 4 awards from the Titans of Business! Read on to hear our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us.
This month, Digital4Startups won 4 awards from the Titans of Business! Read on to hear our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us.
Digital marketing agency Digital4Startups Inc. has achieved 2022 Premier Partner status in the Google Partners program.
What are exact match keywords? According to Google Support, exact match is a keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that have the same meaning or same intent as your keyword. Exact match offers the most control over who sees your ad, but it reaches fewer searches compared to phrase …
When setting up an AdWords campaign, it is very tempting to check the box to optimize based on conversion data immediately. While you usually can’t choose CPA bidding when you start, you can check the box that says eCPC, and we see that many clients do this. However, don’t! Google’s conversion optimization algorithms need at …
Lesson #28: Don’t Turn On Conversion Optimization Too Soon Read More »
Over the last few months, Google has released a new feature that affects the way keyword match types (and therefore the strategy of using match types to organize a campaign) works. In the setting option under each campaign, users can now find a drop down for “Keyword matching options.” When selected, the following option appears: …
Update: New-ish Option Changes Google Match Types Read More »
So, why should you remove duplicate keywords from Google search campaigns? The short answer: you should remove duplicate keywords from your Google search campaigns because they would essentially be competing against each other. This could potentially lower your overall ad performance. When it comes to search, a keyword should only ever show up once in …
Lesson #22: Remove All Duplicate Keywords From Search Campaigns! Read More »
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a really exciting announcement from Google. Google has now fully released mobile app extensions as an ad extension option for its mobile ads. Ad extensions are an extra line/feature of a text ad that Google appends to the ad. Some other current ad extensions include phone …
So what exactly are bid rules? Bid rulesĀ are automated rules that an advertiser can put in place to regulate the bidding on a particular keyword. For example, a bid rule could tell the search engine to pause a keyword whenever its ROI drops below $1.00 or to increase the bid on a keyword whenever the …
Earlier we discussed how important it is for an advertiser to run more than one ad at a time. But if an advertiser is running 3-5 ads per campaign at a time, how can they be sure which ad is performing the best? Google AdWords currently provides the advertiser with three options when it comes …
Lesson #15: Rotate Ads Evenly (Or Auto-Optimize Ad Rotation) Read More »
In the eCommerce space? A big search development almost went under the radar on Thursday when Google announced that it would discontinue Google Product Search (formerly Froogle) and turn it into Google Shopping. The new Google Shopping will be a paid inclusion engine, also known as pay-to-play. What is paid inclusion? Paid inclusion is when …