Digital4Startups Is Officially A Titan of Business!
This month, Digital4Startups won 4 awards from the Titans of Business! Read on to hear our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us.
Explore news about marketing networks on the Master Marketing blog from Digital4Startups. Learn how to properly use different marketing channels.
This month, Digital4Startups won 4 awards from the Titans of Business! Read on to hear our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us.
How do you Market A Product on Amazon? So, you want to know how to market your product on Amazon? Making your product listing shine on Amazon is often simply a matter of taking time and providing as much information as possible. While some advanced techniques such as competitive research, Amazon keyword research or paying …
Sometimes it’s amazing what a Google search won’t yield. With all the changes going on on Facebook, it’s important to understand the definitions of the metrics they provide. Below are the definitions of the metrics provided when you export data from Facebook Insights at the Facebook post level: Facebook Metrics Definitions You Should Know: Total …
Conquesting Keywords refer to keywords that are competitor’s brand names or terms. Advertising on competitor’s keywords is a very contentious topic in the industry, but here are some words of wisdom: 1. Do NOT expect strong performance from a conquesting campaign. You won’t get it. Quality scores will be low, CTRs will be low, and …
We’ve talked about other marketing platforms like MSN, Yahoo, and Google Ads. But one of the big platforms we have yet to discuss is the wide world of Facebook. So, let’s dive in! Facebook is not a search network. Unlike Google and MSN, it does not have a search component, nor does it have a network …
Background: Networks: The Wide World of Facebook Read More »
The two biggest search networks are Google and Microsoft Bing (MSN). There used to be a third big search network, Yahoo, but in 2010, Yahoo and MSN combined their networks, and now, advertising through MSN is the same as advertising through Yahoo and vice versa. According to Comscore, Google sites were responsible for 66.4% of …