How to Use Performance Max To Your Advantage
Learn all about different tips & tricks for Google Performance Max campaigns from the experts at Digital4Startups.
Learn all about different tips & tricks for Google Performance Max campaigns from the experts at Digital4Startups.
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Learn from the Digital4Startups marketing experts about the pros & cons of smart bidding in Google marketing campaigns.
What are exact match keywords? According to Google Support, exact match is a keyword match type that allows you to show your ads on searches that have the same meaning or same intent as your keyword. Exact match offers the most control over who sees your ad, but it reaches fewer searches compared to phrase …
When setting up an AdWords campaign, it is very tempting to check the box to optimize based on conversion data immediately. While you usually can’t choose CPA bidding when you start, you can check the box that says eCPC, and we see that many clients do this. However, don’t! Google’s conversion optimization algorithms need at …
Lesson #28: Don’t Turn On Conversion Optimization Too Soon Read More »
How can you use Impression Share to find missed opportunities in your campaigns? What is impression share? It is the percentage of total impressions that your ads receive compared to the total number of impressions they could receive Impression Share may be one of the most useful and least utilized metrics in search marketing – exact …
Lesson #25: Look to Impression Share For Missed Opportunities Read More »
When bidding on generic keywords, the most important thing is not to get too carried away. What do I mean by this? Advertisers who make mistakes bidding on generic keywords tend to fall prey to one of three possibilities: 1) Bidding Too Much on a Generic Keyword: Just don’t do it. Make sure you are …
So, why should you remove duplicate keywords from Google search campaigns? The short answer: you should remove duplicate keywords from your Google search campaigns because they would essentially be competing against each other. This could potentially lower your overall ad performance. When it comes to search, a keyword should only ever show up once in …
Lesson #22: Remove All Duplicate Keywords From Search Campaigns! Read More »
To bid or not to bid? That is the question. Bidding on an advertiser’s own brand keywords is a very contentious topic within the SEM community. However, from every test I’ve seen, bidding on brand keywords is not only the best practice – it makes a significant difference when it comes to ROI. Advertisers that …
An advertiser has a beautiful expensive landing page or homepage that shows off the large array of products available on their site. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right page to send paid traffic to. Always send paid traffic to the most relevant page possible on the site. It may be a search results page, it …
Lesson #17: Send Customers To The Most Relevant Landing Page Read More »