Master Marketing Blog

We’re Certified!


Digital4Startups is pleased to announce that we have become a Certified Google Partner! … Read More

We’ve Missed You!


And we hope to be able to add more blog posts soon. In the meantime though, please check out DigitalGroundUp for more tips and tricks to improve your digital marketing skills.  They even have a … Read More

Facebook Insights & Analytics Metrics Explained


Sometimes it’s amazing what a Google search won’t yield. With all the changes going on on Facebook, it’s important to understand the definitions of the metrics they provide. Below are the definitions of the metrics … Read More

Update: New-ish Option Changes Google Match Types


Over the last few months, Google has released a new feature that affects the way keyword match types (and therefore the strategy of using match types to organize a campaign) works. In the setting option under … Read More

Lesson #27: Beware Of Keywords With Multiple Meanings

Campaign Structure

Some brand names are fairly common. Others are named after common objects. But unless you’re “the Cheesecake Factory,” many of these brand names may not work well for search. For example, a search for “Sound-Bar,” the … Read More

Lesson #26: Don’t Just Put Everything On Broad Match

Campaign Structure

Ok, I’ll give it to you: broad match has its appeal. No need to worry about plurals or all the various ways a phrase could be created. Lots of impressions and therefore better odds for … Read More

Lesson #25: Look to Impression Share For Missed Opportunities

Campaign Structure, Default

Impression Share may be one of the most useful and least utilized metrics in search marketing – exact match impression share, that is. Utilizable for the search network only, exact match impression share tells the advertiser what … Read More

Generic Keywords for SEO & AdWords

Campaign Structure

When bidding on generic keywords, the most important thing is not to get too carried away. What do I mean by this? Advertisers who make mistakes bidding on generic keywords tend to fall prey to … Read More

Lesson #23: Rotate Your Facebook Ads Every 3 Days

Campaign Structure

When it comes to Facebook ads, one rule applies above all others: rotate your ads often. The rule of thumb is generally 3 days – sometimes a little bit more, and sometimes a little bit … Read More
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