How To

Lesson #27: Beware Of Keywords With Multiple Meanings

Some brand names are fairly common. Others are named after common objects. But unless you’re “the Cheesecake Factory,” many of these brand names may not work well for search. For example, a search for “Sound-Bar,” the popular Chicago nightclub, yields many ads for sound bars, a now popular piece of electronic equipment. “Next,” the amazing …

Lesson #27: Beware Of Keywords With Multiple Meanings Read More »

Lesson #25: Look to Impression Share For Missed Opportunities

Impression Share may be one of the most useful and least utilized metrics in search marketing – exact match impression share, that is. Utilizable for the search network only, exact match impression share tells the advertiser what percentage of the possible impressions for their keywords (taking match types into account) the ads are showing up on. …

Lesson #25: Look to Impression Share For Missed Opportunities Read More »

Lesson #22: Remove All Duplicate Keywords From Search Campaigns!

When it comes to search, a keyword should only ever show up once in an account. Having keywords in different places eligible to show ads for the same search query can lead to two key things. First off, the advertiser is bidding against themselves in the bid auction, increasing the amount they are paying per …

Lesson #22: Remove All Duplicate Keywords From Search Campaigns! Read More »

Lesson #19: Never Put More Than One Keyword Type In the Same Ad Group or Campaign

Earlier this week, we discussed the four different types of keywords: brand, non-brand/generic, competitive and long-tail. Since long-tail keywords can fall under any of the other three categories though, for today’s discussion, we will only refer to the three main keyword types: brand, non-brand/generic and competitive. When it comes to these types of keywords, never …

Lesson #19: Never Put More Than One Keyword Type In the Same Ad Group or Campaign Read More »

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